Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Observations Part 29: Go Ahead Bush, Tap Our Phones!!

Guess what America... Bush is spying on us. He's tapping our phones without getting a warrant. Have you heard? It's all over the news. My favorite punching bag senator, Babs Boxer, is calling for the impeachment of Bush. Why? Because warrantless spying or searching is illegal according to the 4th Amendment. Bush violated the Constitution ergo, impeachment. An impeachment for protecting American people? Sure why not...

It's an issue of civil liberties and our right to checks and balances. Bush was supposed to get warrants before tapping those suspected terrorists. I say, "Who cares?"

There are so many rights stripped from us that violate our civil liberties and Constitutional rights every day. Let's take a look at a few:
  • Gun Control. I bet it was a liberal, no wait, it is a liberal, Clinton! And what does the 2nd Amendment say? Did Clinton violate the Constitution?
    Amendment II

    A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.
Why is America so pissed at Bush for defending us while a Clinton lobbied for gun control, a technical violation of the 2nd, which technically makes us a bit less defensive. Is one Amendment more important than another?

  • Seat Belt Laws. I am in no way advocating that you take off your seat belt. Seat belts save lives. Should it not be your choice NOT to wear one or should we have a law? There are many things that kill people. Some kill faster like cigarette smoking. Cigarette smoking isn't illegal. But we make a law to make people use common sense for seat belts but not for smoking? (Editor's note: Seat belts do save lives and if we have to make laws for the safety of automobile drivers and their innocent passengers... then GOOD!!!) Hmm... speaking of smoking...
  • Anti Smoking laws for privately owned businesses. These laws make no sense. A privately owned business can sell guns, have women or men strip for money, sell alcohol, sell cigarettes, swear, be anti-religious, inflict pain on people by giving them tatoos (see lawryde hey man, what's up!), sell greasy unhealthy food, let people say anything they want and yet, can't let people smoke? Yeah that's not a violation of civil liberties. (Editor's note: I hate smokers and am glad we banned smoking in California restaurants and bars. It's really a bad habit and people should quit. Hopefully the law helps)
  • Prostitution. Hey... A woman or man should be able to sell their bodies for what ever they want. Right? I mean, what the hell are Pamela Anderson, Britney Spears and Paris Hilton doing anyway? Go to magazine rack and what do you see? Covers of magazines of sweet looking women demonstrating the best plastic surgery that money could buy. So what's wrong with a woman selling her body? (Editor's note; Prostitution is wrong and immoral, desecrates women everywhere. We need to protect women from this lifestyle. Having this law is a deterrant and should help someone from choosing this lifestyle)
My point is... Look. We have laws to protect ourselves from ourselves. It's not always fine and dandy for everyone but sometimes it's for the greater good. And with the greater good in mind sometimes laws are broken and some laws are created. Bush has been dead eye consistent with one thing. America is under attack! 3000 people died and it can happen again. It can happen to you, me and that guy down the street that turns his leaf blower on a 6 AM. Just wait, look out now, the ACLU is coming to play and they are gonna look so right when in all actuality they are so wrong. It's always for the greater good when someone chooses to break one law to save or protect the life of someone else. Especially when it is protecting the innocent. Like you, me and that guy with the leaf blower. So suck it up!

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