Monday, May 26, 2008

Not Freaking Long Enough!!

Three day weekend... uggh!! Already have to be back at work. At least it is a light travel week, with an appearance in San Francisco which is, you guessed it, an hour and a half from Sactown Sacramento.

This weekend was one of the most painful weekends I have had since I have been going through all this pain. It came on strong on Thursday afternoon and I have kind of been in this cold pain since. It's mostly in my left arm with with my fingers shaking shaking on my left hand. And I have this really cold hard pain down my spine and through my left leg. Uggh... the MRI I had a few weeks back again turned up nothing. Next step for me... 'The Shrink'. I figure I would give that a whack next since I have seen all the other doctors. Perhaps my stress, ego and other shit is causing all this. Who knows.

Again I would like to publicly apologize to snapping at my Seester In Law on Friday. I was a real jerk on the phone when she called and even though she indicated she didn't really notice it, I did and I was such a dick...

I bought Call of Duty 4 a couple of weeks back and I finally reached level 46 online. Just 9 more to go until I complete it. Hmmm.... Are these games ever worth it. I never really get to play like all the geeks online so I always get tore up on those games. But it is fun...

Global Warming pushed the temps into the 60's and 70's this weekend which is like 40 degrees color than last weekend when it was 104 and 106. It's kind of nice actually... we all can spare on our electric bills with a quiet weather weekend.

Off for a nap...

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