Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Stand Up and Make Believe: Don't Bother Unless you are a Fan.

I bought the new Weezer Album and the new Dave Matthews Band Album.

I went to the store to buy Weezer expecting to be impressed like I have been the last 3 albums, Pinkerton, being of the best rock albums of the 90's. If you don't have a copy, buy one here, seriously, its good stuff. Weezer is flat. Beverly Hills, great song there, but where are the rest?? There is nothing to go back to after that. Probably have to spin it a few times before you really get it. But, where is it Rivers, ya psychotic genius?

I bought Dave Matthews at Starbucks while getting Green Tea. This band knows marketing. I mean, you'd think they were gone and needed a release to keep fans interested so they drop a load on that New York bridge. The singles Dream Girl and American Baby are just ok. I can see how American Baby works and will get nice play. But where is the stadium anthem? The pothead grooves of Two Step, Grey Street or Don't Drink the Water. Looking closer, I see the why... no Lillywhite producing again. Steve Lillywhite is a great producer. You may have heard of another band he worked with, U2. The whole album is disjointed funk grooves. I am sure as concert season goes on, you'll hear different versions of the songs and they'll get the usual radio play. Hmmm...

I got Green Day tickets for the Sactown show, yesterday. Looking forward to that. I didn't get caught in the McCartney or Springsteen craze yet but if I ticket lands I am sure I'll go.


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