Sunday, May 01, 2005

Observations Part 13: North Korean Cuisine

North Korean's Waiting for rice (read more)

No sooner than I give my favorite oppressive dictator, Kim Jong Il some love in my last post, linking his Stalinist News Media to my wildly popular and successful blog(not!), he posts on his media's blog this story(and I normally would supply the link or address but I think they made their site with a Commodore 64 or Dos-based computer with 512k RAM):

Courtesy of Kim Jung Il

Health Food Made in DPRK

Pyongyang, April 29 (KCNA) -- Compound nutrient powder and jelly have been made in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea to improve people's health. Contained in them are 17 kinds of amino acids and natural ferments, various vitamins, 7 sorts of microelements, etc.
They are popular among miners and coal-miners and those with other labor-consuming jobs.
They are also efficacious for preventing and curing digestive disorder, tuberculosis in early stage, arteriosclerosis and aging.
They, made in consideration of the daily average amount of vitamins, salt, microelements and dextrose needed for recovery from physical and mental fatigue, were registered as state inventions in the 7th national exhibition of inventions and new technologies.

Efficacious?? (I had to look it up, too!) People are freaking lining up for rice and now they're serving paste? What the hell is that? And it prevents you from aging. Man, I'll tell you if I lived in North Korea, I'd wanna die as soon as possible because starvation, malnutrition and that pesky bloated stomach looks like it would be a quite unpleasurable experience. "...for recovery from physical and mental fatigue..." Uh, steroids .

So what have we learned here? Some liberals are recognizing on their blogs the anniversary of George W. Bush's landing on an aircraft carrier and announcing "the end of MAJOR combat operations in Iraq" with their usual cynicism and "Bush-bashing". The keyword in that famous landing was "MAJOR". I'd classify "end of Major" as being end of launching cruise missles 24/7 or stealth bombing raids. What'd you think he sat there end said it was over? The more you continue to bash Bush about, the more out of touch to helping solve the problem you will be come.

This anniversary does relate to North Korean's state of nutrition. How? Very simple. You have an un-Democratically elected imbecile leading North Korea, Kim Jong Il, (featured here, sort of) using his absolute authoritative control to run his country into the ground. The dude's paranoid and is using everything in his power to gain control of a nuclear weapon so he can use it possibly on a neighbor, Japan or South Korea. Sound familiar to anyone? "Liberals" are all bent on Bush and the war yet clearly cannot comprehend life and the right to live free and prosper and the sacrfices needed to say: Mission Accomplished. Note their stance on abortion.... (did I go to far?)

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