Thursday, February 10, 2005

Observations Part 8: The Terrorists living a few blocks away


Yeah, I said it Terrorists!

Meet Stephen and Virginia Pearcy, lawyers from Berkeley, CA. They just happened to also own a house in the fine Land Park neighborhood of Sacramento. And I can see, this neighborhood from my own house!

To say the least, I am freaking appalled that some leftists, under the legitimate guise of free speech, thought this was a great idea. The picture shows a model of a soldier hanging by a noose. In the soldier's helmet is a crumpled up American Flag. As you can see, it also says "Your tax dollars at work". The sad thing it is their right under free speech, or is it?

I drive 200 plus miles a day. I see anti Bush bumper stickers, some quite humorous by the way, and I see anti war stickers. I have seen protesters at the Capital on weekends. I see people in San Francisco holding signs against the war on street corners and I am totally cool with all of this. Why? Because it is our freedom and our choice. And without an opposing side, what would Republicans do? Our country's foundation is built on this kind of stuff that I have mentioned.

Our country, however was not built on HATE. Sure we've had our problems. Slavery was not a cool idea. Preventing women from voting or holding office for as long as we did was not cool either. (It's not cool however that Hillary is in office but that is for another blog)
Our country needed the 60's to happen. We needed successful closure to the Civil Rights Movement. I applaud our leaders like Susan B Anthony, Martin Luther King and Cesar Chavez and for them to have the gall to do what they did.

But the Pearcy's are no better than Hitler, Stalin or Kim Jung Il. I personally would classify what they did as a "hate crime" and they are enemies of our country. I heard on the local radio station today some callers were same opinion. When do protesters cross the line of free speech into hate? If I hung a Nazi flag outside my house, my 95 year old redwood house would be destroyed by the time I came home. If I put up a White Power sign, I would be strung up. So hanging an effigy of our American brothers and sisters who volunteered their lives to serve our country, to promote a political agenda is a cool thing? I realize that all the instances of the war on terror have not gone "right". There were no WMD's when we said there are WMD's, but a free Iraq is still the outcome. Sure and there was some torturing of Iraqi prisoners, which was FULLY not advocated by our leaders and our President. But there are many, many other more constructive ways to protest. You don't have to go for the Jugular to make your point. You are basically inciting a riot and more crime which has no place. And besides, what did the poor, unknown soldier do to deserve this treatment... defend your freedom? I liked it better when you people spit on our soldiers, if you want to equate a lesser evil.

The effigy was taken down by an unknown individual and the property owners plan to prosecute this individual if and when he is arrested and charged with the crime of property theft. If I was a lawyer, I would defend the guy pro bono and I am sure this will be the case if this Patriot is found.

I thought Liberalism was a message of tolerance.

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