Monday, August 21, 2006


At approximately 3:53PM this afternoon, I finally hit the wall. With everything that has gone on since the arrival of Elijah since the 10th, my health, which seems to be getting better and just all the activity going on with family members coming and going... I just dropped.

Out of gas...


Three hour nap this afternoon while the TV was on Fox News and the phone on silent. Missed one call. I love my basement.

Elijah still has his days and nights confused. Real active at night the last four or five nights. Thank goodness for things like the Baby Bjorn and the iPod. We found an album of whitewater sounds. Just an hour of rushing water on one track. We set up a playlist on the iPod. And just having the Bjorn to hold him close to you seems to work the best. Elijah loves being close and hearing your heartbeat. The Bjorn is really handy when you take him outside for that quick walk too.

So 8:00pm now and I am off to catch up on more sleep so I can help out tonight.

Newborns.... I wonder how people handle twins.

(crap, I am Mommy Blogging...)

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