Thursday, October 27, 2005

Observations Part 28: Head Trauma

Dazed and Confused for so Very Long...

My wife and I have been married for over 5 years. Today she took me to the emergency room for the 7th time since we were married (she went once on her own and I took her because of that horrific bike accident). And today it was the third time for a concussion... Sweet!!

Is that love or what? I used the hockey picture to symbolize that. You know... being helped off the ice once in a while is a good thing. We all need to help each other...

What was I saying?

Anyhow.. My wife and I have been married for over 5 years and she took me to the emergency room again for a concussion. Wait... I just said that...

No seriously, I am totally fine. I used the hockey picture to symbolize...

(I'll stop now...but it's kinda funny)

Concussions suck. I know this because I have had a pretty good one before. I was at work this morning and I had to stand up and get out of the way of something real fast and I conked my noggin. Normally, I wouldn't have questioned it as I have hit my head a few times before. This one had that feeling once again, I can't explain, you may not understand... This is not how I am. (Comfortably I saw stars as a ran about 20 feet into a wall. Very perplexing. I have about a 4 inch bump about 1 inch high just pounding my head. I have that spacey feeling. Not as bad as the big one I had 3 years ago but I know what I am in for the next few weeks now: Headaches. And let me tell you I am a pro at these things. Headaches suck. I have been pretty good with them for the last 4 or 5 months. I started this blog actually over headaches on my very first post. Man, that was like 140 plus posts ago. We'll see how it goes...

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